Instagram Two Factor Authentication

instagram two factor authentication

Cyber ​​attacks on popular sites are putting users’ personal information in danger more and more every day. With the two factor authentication code application introduced by Instagram, it increases the security of users to the highest level. We have told you how to secure your Instagram profile. It has almost all your personal information, here…

Instagram Location Is Not Showing

instagram location is not showing

The location not showing up problem on Instagram can be due to several different reasons. Before you can add locations or cities to Instagram stories, this feature must turned on for your account. For this, it is important that your Instagram application is up-to-date. In general, Instagram updates its application by itself, so the application…

Why is Influencer Marketing? What are Influencers?

why is influencer marketing

In addition to reflecting personal user identity, social media platforms have also become a part of corporate identities by turning into marketing platforms for business accounts and corporate users. The use of social media platforms, one of the most powerful arenas of digital marketing. They have created and integrated its own internal dynamics and marketing…